Sandy Waterbury's story:
I am a single mother of a daughter with severe disabilities. My daughter needs 24 hour a day care and my biggest struggle currently is finding in home nursing help for my daughter. I work full-time and take care of her full-time. I work while she is in school. I cannot find someone for after school to help with her care needs.
I also worry about programs that will be available to her once she is out of post-secondary school. I want her to be happy in a local program.
In addition to this, the system can be very confusing and I consider myself knowledgeable, but still struggle at times. I deal with IHSS, SSI, CCS, Medi-Cal, school IEPs, Regional Center, etc. you name it. I find that the more I connect with others (families, etc.) the better able I am to help my daughter.
Sandy Waterbury, Camarillo CA
Family member